360 Grand Est 2021


Coralie HALLER

EM Strasbourg Business School

Professeur associé, titulaire de la chaire d’entreprise « Vin et tourisme » / Responsable du Master International Wine Management and Tourism / Responsable du Master of Tourism Management


Coralie HALLER defended her doctoral thesis in Management Science at the University of Aix Marseille on the theme of information systems applied to the wine industry. After several years of professional and academic experience in industry in France and Australia, she joined the Strasbourg School of Management of the University of Strasbourg, as a teacher-researcher. She is responsible for the Master 2 "Tourism Management" and the specialization "International Wine Management and Tourism". Coralie's research and teaching areas concern the management of information systems, strategy and entrepreneurship applied to the wine and tourism industry. In 2017, it created a "Wine and Tourism" Business Chair. His research is published in various academic and professional journals, in books and presented at international conferences.

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