360 Grand Est 2021

Structuring an application project in agile mode in tourism thanks to open data, European project DEAS

Dec 7, 2021 | 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM


Open data, data that is freely available and can be used and shared freely, is becoming a real economic and societal challenge for territories. Course : Within the framework of the European project DEAS "Data Economy Alps Strategy", three themes are developed on the opportunities of data exploitation: tourism and culture, environment, mobility. The aim of this session will be to familiarise you with the subject of open data and to demonstrate its benefits and applications with a concrete case of experimentation in Alsace. Programme : Introductory remarks by Grand Enov+. The challenges of data and open data by Data Grand Est The DEAS project by Grand Enov+ and its evolution thanks to the different stakeholders (University, Companies, Citizens, Institutions) Transnational approach to data exploitation by Grand Enov+: Presentation of the DEAS Platform and the available APIs (Tourism or Mobility) Presentation of the experimentation in progress on the scale of our territory by Grand Enov+, Ecole de Management de Strasbourg, CESI Strasbourg The challenges for regional tourism actors by ART Grand Est and for a local SME with the company Batorama A duplicable methodology, replicable to other fields and territories through our partners / actors of Innovation (- by Grand Enov+ -) Presentation of future actions with the establishment of Business Model Canvas for different SME actors (in France or internationally) Questions & Answers

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