360 Grand Est 2021


Website manager

a local law association registered in the Register of Associations of the MULHOUSE District Court,
whose registered office is located at 30 rue François Spoerry à Mulhouse in Mulhouse
Code APE 7022Z
Siret 434 049 953 00145
Activity Declaration No. 42 68 02578 68

Publication Manager :

Sylvain DORSCHNER Managing Director of Grand E-nov - contact@grandenov.fr - tél. : 03 89 36 67 50

The purpose of the site is to provide information on the event "360 Grand Est – Business Act – The Relaunch in Action" and the management of registrations for it. This is an edition dedicated to the Grand Est Business Act and dedicated to the economic ambition of the territory.

Design, development of the site : 
Grand E-nov 

Photo and image appropriations :
PMC of Strasbourg
© Bartosch Salmansky
Ph.Stirnweiss LANSBERG LAG
Grand E-nov
Adobe Stocks

Photo Franck Leroy : VERHAEGEN / Région Grand Est
Photo François Grosdidier : BODEZ / Région Grand Est
Photo Boris Ravignon : BODEZ / Région Grand Est
Photo Nadège HORNBECK : CHRISTEN / Région Grand Est
Photo Philippe Mangin :  DOSSMANN / Région Grand Est
Photo Christèle Willer :  DOSSMANN / Région Grand Est
Photo Brigitte Torloting :  DOSSMANN / Région Grand Est
Photo Valérie Debord :  DOSSMANN / Région Grand Est 
Photo ERIC BAGRIOT : Sylvain Beucherie


Respect for privacy and personal data
The visitor's personal data that is collected directly through the event registration and management platform is used by Grand E-nov for statistical and organizational purposes. 

This personal data is not communicated to third parties except the technical service providers who are involved in the process of dissemination of the site. Personal data may be transmitted to partners as part of sequences, networking and other subject to the visitor's acceptance. 

The processing of the visitor's personal data is based on the legitimate interest of Grand E-nov for certain purposes and is necessary for the performance of the contract for the other purposes. 

The information will be kept for the time necessary to perform the function for which this information was obtained or to comply with our legal obligations. And this for a period of 12 months after the date of the event. 

The visitor may object to the use of his personal data. 

In accordance with Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 and the Directive of 24 October 1995, visitors have the right to access, rectify, modify and delete their personal data. If you wish to have certain data rectified or deleted, please send us a request by email to the following address : a.vuillaume@grandenov.plus

The publishers and authors of the site cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions in the information disseminated or technical problems encountered on the site and on all other sites to which we establish links, or for any interpretation of the information published on these sites as well as the consequences of their use.

< image Eligible amount of the operation: €361K including €54K of support granted by the ERDF