360 Grand Est 2021



Where and when
Palais de la Musique et des Congrès Place de Bordeaux 67000 Strasbourg Timing : from 9AM to 6 PM
 By car :
 • A35 from Mulhouse 
• A4 from Metz 
• Exit Wacken 

Visitor car parks: 
 • Car park Rue du Wacken – Free
• Car park Coubertin 
• Car park Relais-Tram Rives de L’Aar

Translation of the Plenary :
The contents of the plenary sequences in the Cassin space are available in English. To access the translation, please bring your smartphone and headphones. 
To access the translation: 
Password: 360GE

A lunch box will be offered. Please do not travel while eating and keep the mask on the go.


The presentation of a valid health pass and the wearing of a mask are mandatory to access the event. Antigenic tests can be performed on site if necessary.

Compliance with the health instructions in force is imperative in the context of this event. 

 Please also limit the exchange of objects and documents as much as possible. 

The organizer reinforces cleaning and disinfection throughout the day. Hydroalcoholic gel will be available in several areas of the show. Some scenes are soundproofed via headphones. Headsets and microphones are disinfected before and after each use.

These safety instructions will be repeated regularly and posted everywhere, a team of moderators will constantly ensure their strict application, it is about the safety of all and the respect of everyone. In advance, thank you for respecting these instructions to the letter.

Blood donation an essential gesture to save many lives !

As an act of citizenship and solidarity, blood donation is above all a rich and strong experience that places donors and recipients at the heart of a dynamic of sharing. Every year, thanks to blood donation, 1 MILLION patients are treated! The needs of patients are constant: 10,000 donations are needed every day in France. Each donation is precious because it saves 3 lives! 

Come and donate your blood: 
 from 12pm to 5pm 
 during the event at the Erasmus Gallery on the ground floor 
To make an appointment : mon-rdv-dondesang.efs.sante.fr