360 Grand Est 2021


Personal data

 1. Data controler 

 Grand E-nov - 30 rue François Spoerry 68100 MULHOUSE - Tél. : +33 (0)3 67 70 74 50 - E-mail : contact@grandenov.fr 

 SIRET : 434 049 953 00145 – APE Code : 7022Z Association of local law registered in the register of associations of the T.I. of Mulhouse under the volume e 78 Folio 3. 

 2. Type of collected– Purposes and legal basis of processing 

The nomitavies informations collected as part of the registration such as name, first name, fonction, society, electronical adress, phone number, IP adress… through the forms proposed on the website www.360grandest.fr and signaled by an asterisk are necessary to answer to your message and request, unless if they are indicated as optional. In addition, this information is also collected for the purpose of managing and monitoring registration for the proposed event and these different modules. Thus, your data is processed mainly for the following purposes:

  • The answer to your message and request 
  • the management of your registration for events organized by Grand E-nov to which you have subscribed
  •  the management of your subscription to the Grand E-nov newsletter, if you have subscribed to it 
  • the management and diffusion of the list of participants of the round tables to the speakers, if you have given your consent 

 The collection of personal data is therefore based on a contractual basis and on the legitimate interest of the controller. 

 3. Recipients of the data 

This information is subject to computerized processing, under the responsibility of Grand E-nov, and is intended only for the Agency and its partners or subcontractors in charge of responding to your message or request. 

Concerning the personal data of professional participants (company, organization, ...), they may be transmitted to the sponsors of the event (see the list https://www.360grandest.fr/partners) for commercial prospecting purposes. 

Your data is not subject to any transfer outside the European union territory. 

In addition, the data collected may also be transferred to third-party service providers or subcontractors in charge of hosting, storage, Computer maintenance, database management or the provision of applications to organize and manage events. 

 In all these cases, these third parties are bound by the same obligations regarding the protection of personal data and the same obligations of security and confidentiality as Grand E-Nov. 

 4. Networking on the platform 

By activating networking, you will be able to get in touch with the partners as well as with the other participants. We will offer you contacts who share your interests or who can answer your problems. By authorizing networking, other participants will only have access to the following information: first name, last name, function and company. They will only be able to contact you through this app. 

 5. Shelf life 

 In accordance with Article 6, 5 ° of Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 as amended, personal data are kept in a form allowing identification only for a period that does not exceed the period necessary for the purposes for which they are collected and processed, namely 3 years from the year of registration. 

These informations is also kept in order to comply with legal and regulatory obligations. 

 6. Exercise of the rights of individuals 

In accordance with European Regulation No. 2016/679/EU of 27 April 2016 on the protection of personal data and the "Informatique et Libertés" law of 6 January 1978 as amended, you have the right to access, rectify, erase, portability and limit the processing of data concerning you as well as the right to communicate directives on the fate of your data after your death. You can also object to the processing of data concerning you. 

 You can exercise your rights by sending a letter to: 

30 rue François Spoerry
or an email to contact@grandenov.fr 

 You can also lodge a complaint with the « Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés » if you consider, after contacting Grand E-nov, that your data protection rights are not respected.   

Cookies policy

Who are we?

This section allows you to learn more about the origin and use of the navigation information processed during your visit to the www.grandenov.fr website and your rights. This Policy is therefore important for you who wish to have a positive and confident experience of our services, and for Grand E-nov who wishes to answer in a precise and complete way your questions about your consultation of its website and take into account your wishes.

When you visit the website, information relating to the navigation of your device (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) on the website may be stored in “Cookies” files installed on your device, subject to the choices you have made regarding Cookies and that you can modify at any time.

What is the purpose of the cookies issued on this website?

Only the issuer of a cookie is likely to read or modify the information contained therein.

Cookies issued on the Agency’s website

When you connect to the Agency’s website, we may, subject to your choices, install various cookies in your device that allow the Agency to recognize your device’s browser during the validity period of the cookie in question. The Cookies we issue are used for the purposes described below, subject to your choices, which result from the settings of your browser software used during your visit to the www.grandenov.fr website, which you may submit to the Agency at any time. The storage period for this information is 30 days, except for the session that stops when the browser disconnects or closes.

Cookies issued by the Agency allow us to:

  • to establish statistics and volumes of visits and use of the various elements composing this website (sections and contents visited, routes), enabling the Agency to improve the interest and ergonomics of its services;
  • adapt the presentation of the website to your terminal’s display preferences (language used, display resolution, operating system used, etc.) when you visit the Agency’s website, depending on the display or reading hardware and software that your terminal contains;
  • to store information related to a form you have filled in on this website;
  • to allow you to access, if necessary, reserved and personal areas of the website, such as your account, using identifiers or data that you may have previously entrusted to the Agency;
  • to implement security measures, for example when you are asked to reconnect to content or a service after a certain period of time.

Your choices regarding cookies

There are several ways to manage cookies. Any settings you may make may affect your Internet browsing and your access to certain services that require the use of Cookies. You can choose at any time to express and modify your wishes regarding cookies by the means described below.

The choices offered to you by your navigation software

You can configure your browser software so that cookies are stored on your device or, on the contrary, they are rejected, either systematically or according to their origin. You can also configure your browser software so that you are offered the option of accepting or rejecting cookies from time to time, before a cookie is likely to be stored on your device.

The Cookies Agreement

The registration of a cookie on a device is essentially subject to the will of the device user, who can express and modify it at any time and free of charge through the choices offered to him by his browser software. If you have accepted the registration of cookies in the browser of your device, the cookies embedded in the pages and content you have viewed may be temporarily stored in a dedicated area of your device. They will be readable only by their transmitter.

Refusal of Cookies

If you refuse to store cookies on your device, or delete cookies stored on your device, you will no longer be able to use a number of features that are still required to navigate through some areas of the www.grandenov.fr website. This would be the case if you attempted to access our content or services that require you to be identified. This would also be the case if we – or our service providers – could not recognize, for technical compatibility purposes, the type of browser your device uses, its language and display settings, or the country from which your device appears to be connected to the Internet. If necessary, we decline all responsibility for the consequences related to the degraded functioning of our services resulting from the impossibility for us to record or consult the cookies necessary for their functioning and that you have refused or deleted.

How to make your choices, depending on the browser you use?

For the management of cookies and your choices, the configuration of each browser is different. It is described in the help menu of your browser, which will allow you to find out how to change your cookie preferences.

For Internet Explorer™: http://windows.microsoft.com/fr-FR/windows-vista/Block-or-allow-cookies

For Safari™: https://support.apple.com/kb/PH21411?viewlocale=en_US&locale=en_US

For Chrome™: http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=en&hlrm=en&answer=95647

For Firefox™: http://support.mozilla.org/fr/kb/Activer%20and%20d%C3%A9sactivate%20les%20cookies

For Opera™: http://help.opera.com/Windows/10.20/fr/cookies.html

Consult the Legal Notice section to know the conditions of use of this website.


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