360 Grand Est 2021



Dassault Systemes

Vice-Président Secteur Public Monde


Jacques Beltran started his career as a research fellow at the French Institute of International Relations (IFRI), focusing on European security and transatlantic relations. In 2003, he joined EADS-AIRBUS as senior manager in charge of international development. In 2005, he was appointed diplomatic advisor to the French Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, D. Perben. From 2007 to 2016 he worked for ALSTOM in the energy and rail transportation sector, in different capacities: VP public affairs, Senior VP Asia-Pacific, Senior VP Europe-CIS and finally Head of sales & marketing for Alstom Transport in France. Back to the public sector in 2016, he joined the Council of Paris Region, as deputy director general, in charge of European affairs, international cooperation and tourism; and special advisor to the President of Paris Region. He joined Dassault Systemes in September 2019 as Vice President, Public Sector in charge of developing the company’s business in the public sector worldwide. He studied at Sciences Po Paris, at the military academy of Saint-Cyr and at INSEAD (advanced management program). He is a member of the young global leaders program of the World Economic Forum.

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