360 Grand Est 2021



DENA (Agence Allemande de l'énergie)

Président - Directeur Général


Andreas Kuhlmann has been the CEO of dena since July 2015. In this role, he increased dena's profile as a driver and pioneer of energy transition and climate protection. Andreas Kuhlmann, was born in Recklinghausen in 1967, he majored in physics and minored in economics at the universities of Bonn, Heidelberg and Corvallis (USA). He started his career in 1995 at the Institute of Environmental Physics at Ruprecht-Karls University in Heidelberg, where he primarily focused on the carbon cycle. This was followed by various political posts, including at the European Parliament, with the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), at the Bundestag, within the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and at the German Embassy in Stockholm. In 2010 Andreas Kuhlmann joined the German Association of Energy and Water Industires (BDEW) and took over the Politics and Economics departments as Director of Strategy and Politics. He was responsible for the strategic and political development of BDEW as well as the dialogue with politics, business and the public. Andreas Kuhlmann is also: • Spokesman of the "Allianz für Gebäude-Energie-Effizienz" (geea) – "Alliance for Building Energy Efficiency" • Member of the Secretariat of the World Energy Council (Germany) • Member of the board of the Initiative Wohnungswirtschaft Osteuropa (IWO) • Member of the Permanent Working Group of the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK) in Economic and Social Affairs • Member of the Atlantic Bridge • Chair of the board of the Drawdown Europe Research Association (DERA) • Member of the Advisory Council of the Society of Benefactors of the Institute of Energy Economics at the University of Cologne e. V. • Member of the Global Future Council on Energy Transition (Term 2016-2018, Term 2020-2022)

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