360 Grand Est 2021


Olivier SICHEL

Banque des Territoires

Directeur Général Délégué du groupe Caisse des Dépôts et Directeur Banque des Territoires


Olivier Sichel, 53, is a graduate of ESSEC, IEP Paris and a former student of ENA. First inspector of Finance at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, he became, in 1998, agency director at France Telecom. In 2000, he took the lead, as Ceo general, d'Alapage.com, a pioneer in e-commerce and a subsidiary of Wanadoo of which he will also become President and Chief Executive Officer in 2002. He then ensures the integration of the French leader in Internet access into the parent company, France Telecom, where it becomes Executive Director of the Fixed Telephone & Internet Europe Division. He leaves the company, became the world's second largest ADSL provider in 2006 after launching triple offers play with Livebox and VOIP. Partner of the venture capital firm Sofinnova, he supervises investments in innovative digital companies in the digital sector. He works in particular the development of opensource players and various platforms. He drives also many financial transactions of sale or IPO. In 2012, he became Chairman and CEO of the European leader in pureplayer shopping guides internet LeGuide.com he sold to Kelkoo in 2016. Sensitive to evolution Oligopolistic of the Internet, he has since devoted himself to defending an open European conception and humanist of the network. He creates and chairs the Digital New Deal Foundation, a dedicated think tank to the digital which proposed to the candidates in the presidential election a Digital Pact. Since January 2018, he has been Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations where he is responsible for subsidiaries and shareholdings as well as the Banque des Territoires.

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