360 Grand Est 2021



Ministère de l'économie, des finances et de la relance

Directrice de projets Commande publique – AIFE, Ministère de l’économie, des Finances et de la relance.


Divisional Inspector of Public Finance, Director of Digital Transformation Projects in Public Procurement at the Agency for State Financial Informatics (AIFE), Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Recovery. Successively analyst in charge of the implementation of the LOLF in the State Pensions Information System, communication project manager in the field of Internet/intranet applications at the DGFiP, then innovation project manager in terms of dematerialization of the local public sector, she is, since January 2020, director of transformation projects in charge of the modernization of the public procurement process. In addition, she is a lecturer at IGPDE specializing in project management, and a professional painter.

This speaker will talk about

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