360 Grand Est 2021



Juris Défense Avocats

Avocate, Fondatrice du cabinet Juris Défense Avocats


Cécile DOUTRIAUX, Lawyer, has been a member of the Saint-Cyr Cyberdefense & Cybersecurity Chair since 2012, with sogeti & THALÈS, world leaders in high technologies for defense and security, auditor of the Institut des Hautes Études de la Défense Nationale and member of CLUSIR-EST. She teaches computer and communication technology law at the Conservatoire National des Arts & Métiers (training certified by the CNIL) Maître DOUTRIAUX is regularly solicited as a speaker and has thus carried out numerous interventions for the benefit of various ministries, chambers of commerce, local authorities, companies and public and private organizations. It also participates in working and reflection groups with many public and private partners. She is the author of publications on cyber security for law enforcement and the armed forces in particular.

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