360 Grand Est 2021



Ecosys Group

Directrice Transition Eco-Energétique & Territoires chez Ecosys Group et membre du Conseil d’Administration du Cleantech Open France


Katia Ronzeau is originally from Moselle Est and studied in Strasbourg, before moving to Ile-de-France to graduate from ESSEC. She quickly specialized in energy and climate. After 10 years of consulting in the Energy Utilities team of Capgemini Invent, she acquired a detailed knowledge of the challenges of transformation of the energy sector. Convinced of the need to innovate and address transformation issues in their entirety, she chose to join ecosys Group in 2016, an innovative SME that offers systemic approaches and digital tools to orchestrate ecosystems and promote the data available for the sustainable performance of organizations and territories. At Ecosys Group, she leads several projects for major French groups of the CAC 40, federations and startups. In particular, it operates the T2EM program, a public-private program involving 30 organizations to succeed in the energy-efficient transition of ports and ships. She has also contributed to the acceleration of more than 20 Startups of the Cleantech Open France and recently joined the board of directors of the association.

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