360 Grand Est



Chaire Industrielle en Science des Données et IA


Dr Thomas Lampert is a Computer Science researcher in the area of Artificial Intelligence, particularly Machine Learning and Image and Time-Series Analysis with various application domains (most recently in medical imaging and remote sensing). He holds a PhD from the University of York, UK, which was completed in collaboration with (and sponsored by) the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) and QinetiQ Ltd. Since then, he has held research positions at the Univeristy of York and the University of Strasbourg. Throughout his career he has worked closely with industry through positions held and consultancy, and has collaborated with a number of international research groups. He is particularly interested in the application of machine learning and AI to real-world problems, and overcoming the difficulties that this process poses. His research has been published in international journals from several research domains, and he is actively involved in teaching, supervision, and the exchange of knowledge between academia and industry.

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