360 GRAND EST 2023


Abeline MOREAU

Hôpitaux Champagne Sud

Directrice de l'innovation des Hôpitaux Champagne Sud et de la filière gériatrique du CHT. Directrice chargée du pilotage du comité medico-social du GHT3 et des partenariats de l'Institut Santé Technologies de Troyes


Abéline Moreau has been Director of Innovation for Champagne Sud hospitals since 2020. A state-certified nurse, holder of a master's degree in health economics, she joined the body of directors of health, social and medico-social establishments in 2018 after having been accepted in the national competition for the Ecole des Hautes Ecoles. public health studies. Convinced for years of the relevance of the deployment of communities of interest, of collective intelligence, but also of the necessary integration into a sustainable development approach, it encourages the dynamics of experimentation and collaboration in the field of health. . She is also the author or co-author of several articles, particularly on non-drug approaches, prevention, innovation, the development of research in the medico-social sector, etc. A personality invested in the rights of users of the health system, citizenship and autonomy, Abéline Moreau is a member of several health democracy bodies.

Find here the list of all the sessions presented by this speaker in order not to miss any of it.