Stéphane DESOBRY
Titre : Professeur et chercheur à l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Agronomie et des Industries Alimentaires
Engineer and Doctor of Food Science from the University of Lorraine, his research focuses on food science, biomolecules, conservation and packaging. A member of the Grand Est bioeconomy strategic orientation committee, he also leads the Biomolecules and Biomaterials for the Regional Bioeconomy project (3BR - 2019-23). It is the co-leader of two networks which will be launched in January 2024: (i) Interdisciplinary program "Bioeconomy, Biomolecules Sciences and Engineering (B2SE)", involving nearly 200 researchers, and (ii) Federation "The one Bioeconomy", involving about 350 researchers and teachers from the fields of bioeconomy in the Grand Est.