360 Grand Est 2021



Directrice de l'environnement du groupe Pingat et 1ère vice présidente du CESER


Doctor in biology, specialization in hydrobiology, I have been working in the water sector for thirty years. Within Pingat, I manage the environment and its development and more particularly the management of water, whether territorial or national with all the components related to it: such as the impact of infrastructure on surface water and diagnosis, integrated management of environments, assessment of the challenges of today and tomorrow, climate change, biodiversity.... . At a company for 25 years after a few years of research at the university, I joined the Pingat group in 2019. At the same time, I chaired the Hydreos water cluster of the Grand Est for 6 years and the national competitiveness cluster of the water sector "France water Team" for 2 years. I chair ENGEES, the school of water engineering in Strasbourg and I am 1st VP of CESER Grand Est I taught at the university for about twenty years in biology in Metz and Anglet.

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