360 Grand Est 2021


Sébastien DUPONT

Ancien expert de la préparation mentale militaire, formateur, consultant, coach, conférencier


After 23 years of service in the Air Force, several of which as a referent of mental preparation techniques grouped under the name "Techniques d'Optimisation du Potentiel", Sébastien Dupont now offers his knowledge and experience in human management at the service of companies, first responders, athletes or educators and therapists. Developed in the 90s at the request of the armed forces by Dr. Edith Perreaut-Pierre, the pedagogical approach "Techniques d'Optimisation du Potentiel" (TOP), is democratized and integrates perfectly within civilian structures. It combines pragmatism and adaptability by means of simple customizable tools, quick to use in all places and all circumstances, in order to learn to manage one's physical and psychological states independently as soon as the need is felt. Through training, workshops, conferences or coaching sessions, Sébastien puts his know-how to the benefit of softness and performance, with the aim of managing the invisible: fatigue, decision-making, stress, motivation... An asset for the world of entrepreneurship, in search of the balance between culture of results, individual well-being, collective agility and loyalty to the institution.

This speaker will talk about

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