360 Grand Est 2021


Anne-Marie SASSEN

Chef de l’unité « Transformation numérique des écosystèmes industriels » à la DG CONNECT, Commission européenne


Anne-Marie Sassen is Acting Head of Unit of the "Digital Transformation of industrial ecosystems" unit in DG CONNECT, European Commission. The Unit’s aim is to ensure that all industrial sectors in Europe benefit from digital transformation through greater efficiency in production processes, higher value digitised products, and new business models. The unit is responsible for the setup of a network of European Digital Innovation Hubs (co-funded between the EU, Member States and/or their regions) to enable all companies and public sector organisations to benefit from digital technologies. Before joining the European Commission Anne-Marie worked as project manager for Atos in Spain and researcher for TNO in the Netherlands. She studied Computer Science at the University of Leiden, the Netherlands and received her PhD from the Technical University in Delft in the field of Human-Machine interaction.

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