360 Grand Est 2021




Président du Directoire


Eric GEHL has been Chairman of the Management Board of the Facilien Joint Venture since 2014, a digital platform for socio-medical operators and Co-founding Chairman of Hakisa since 2011, a Community Experience Management and Social Fintech technology. Prior to co-founding Hakisa, Eric Gehl worked for 20 years in operational and general management roles in the digital media, software and telecommunications industry in France and abroad: Managing Director of Total Immersion SA, President & General Manager of the Communication Software Solutions Group Division of Tekelec Inc in Raleigh, USA and President of Steleus SAS in Lyon. For Siemens AG in Munich, Germany, he has held numerous responsibilities in the deployment of mobile networks in countries as diverse as Morocco, Vietnam, Germany, Sweden, Mexico and several times in the USAs. He was also a director of Infovista the three years before the company was sold.

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