360 Grand Est 2021




CDO de DRAKKAR, Président DRAKKAR Digital et du CQTNC


Simon Lauzier, co-shareholder and Chief Digital Officer of the DRAKKAR Group, is also President of DRAKKAR Digital, a subsidiary specializing in digital services and technologies. Pragmatic and creative, Simon is a visionary who has made his mark in the industry thanks to his talents as a strategist and tactician, his vast field of skills and his ability to surround himself with talented and successful people. Simon started his career in the retail market. He then founded his first digital agency in 2014, and finally launched his first mobile app in 2016. After a few investments and strategic partnerships, Simon becomes a serial entrepreneur year after year who operates in diversified sectors of activity such as marketing, communication, advertising, e-commerce, IT, cybersecurity and application development. Simon's remarkable career path makes him a proven innovator who is now propelled by a deep passion for business convergence and networking. It is for this reason that he actively participates, as President of the Consortium Québécois en Transformation Numérique (CQTNC), in France, alongside co-founders Robert Nastas, Jean-Luc Couture, Pascal Leblanc and Olivier Perrin, in the emergence of a cross-border ecosystem of entrepreneurs.

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