360 Grand Est 2021


Paul François FOURNIER

BPI France

Directeur de l’Innovation de Bpifrance


Paul-François Fournier has been, since April 2013, Director of Innovation and member of the Executive Committee of the Banque Publique d'Investissement (Bpifrance). He is in charge of financing innovation, venture capital investments, my implementation of the Deeptech Plan as well as support activities for start-ups. Paul-François Fournier, 53, X-Telecom, joined the France Telecom Orange Group in 1994. After a seven-year career dedicated to the development of business services, he became, in 2001, Wanadoo's Director of Broadband Business, where he ensured the take-off in France of ADSL offers that went from a few thousand customers in 2001 to 3 million at the end of 2004, then internationally as a member of the Executive Committee of the Wanadoo Group. He has led strategic projects such as the launch of the Livebox, and voice over IP, in partnership with Inventel and Netcentrex, French start-ups. Beyond his experience in the field of Internet services and partnerships (he was notably the architect of the acquisition of Dailymotion by Orange, as well as partnerships with Microsoft, Google and Facebook), Paul-François Fournier has an excellent operational knowledge of innovation marketing. Since 2011, he has been the Executive Director of Orange's Technocentre, in charge of product innovation (Boxs, Cloud, etc.), where he has profoundly transformed the organization in a more regional and decentralized approach.

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