360 Grand Est 2021


Thierry MEYNLE




Thierry Meynlé followed a double training: engineer in France and computer science in the USA. After a first experience in the computerization of a large retail account, he joined IBM France for ten years before embarking on the entrepreneurial adventure at the dawn of the 2000s. He holds the position of Marketing and Sales Director at Divalto, a French publisher of ERP and CRM software, which he took over in 2006. In 2017, he co-authored a book published by Eyrolles: "21 keys to activate digital transformation", and naturally joined the board of directors of Numeum (formerly Syntec numérique) in 2019. He also supports digital start-ups, and becomes Board Member of the Board of Directors of SEMIA, member of Quest for Change, one of the main French incubator networks with more than 220 projects incubated in the Grand Est.

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