360 Grand Est 2021



Data Grand Est

Chef de projet données à la Région Grand Est, Coordinateur de la démarche DataGrandEst


An expert in the field of data, he began his career as a geomatician, specializing in geographic information. The challenges surrounding data have led him to broaden the prism of his skills both on legal and technical aspects, particularly on interoperability and standardization issues. Also invested in organizational aspects, it bases its actions on the networking of actors to facilitate the opening and reuse of data at the scale of the Grand Est. It acts as a local relay, at the national level in the working groups of AFIGéo, CNIG and OpenDataFrance. With more than 15 years of experience in public structures and more particularly in the Grand Est Region, it coordinates the DataGrandEst program in co-piloting with the services of the State to deploy a set of actions around the sharing, production and valorization of data at the service of the territory.

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