360 Grand Est 2021


Olivier SANDEL

CESI Ecole d'Ingénieurs - Campus de STRASBOURG

Directeur-Adjoint et Responsable Pédagogique / Enseignant-Chercheur en Intelligence Artificielle


Holder of a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Strasbourg that he wanted to carry out at the heart of the concrete world of companies within Alcatel Business Systems, Olivier SANDEL specializes from his DEA in Artificial Intelligence, in particular for neural networks, intelligent interfaces and user models. Extending his studies and research as part of a Post-Doctorate at the University of Karlsruhe TH in Germany, then qualified for the functions of Associate Professor, it is quite naturally that his priesthood for pedagogy leads him to take the pedagogical direction of CESI Ecole d'Ingénieurs, Specialty Computer Science and Digital, within the Strasbourg Campus. Teacher-Researcher in Artificial Intelligence and Senior Professor in Computer Science, Olivier SANDEL is thus fully invested in his teaching, from software engineering to information systems management, in the active and innovative pedagogies taught at CESI for which he has already published various articles in international conferences, and more than ever in the context of artificial intelligence that he is currently implementing about embedded systems, e-health (latest publication) and the 4.0 factories of the future.

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