360 Grand Est 2021


Thierry GRIMA


Group Chief Analytics Officer / Directeur Analyse des données chez ENGIE


Mr. Grima has been supporting large companies for 22 years on their data transformation program, in France and abroad. He first worked as Head of Data Management and Data Strategy in Northern Europe at a global consulting leader for over 15 years. Thierry then assumed the role of CIO of the "Data Innovation Lab" of an international insurance company to build and deploy the technical platforms used by entities on all continents. He has held the position of Group Chief Analytics Officer at ENGIE for the past 3 years. In his current position, Mr. Grima supports the group's entities in their data transformation on business aspects (data strategy, animation of data ideation workshops, support for local organizations in the definition and execution of their data governance activities, definition of data standards and policies for the group and support for employee acculturation. Mr. Grima is also responsible for democratizing the use of artificial intelligence in entities and geographical areas as well as defining and supporting training activities.

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