360 Grand Est 2021



Praticien en Techniques d'Optimisation du Potentiel


Passionate about the human and his ability to face the challenges that are offered to us, I train in many areas of knowledge and self-management as well as management of interpersonal relationships. 2018-2019: Professional coach at the Grenoble School of Management level 1 "Accompanying the individual with a multidisciplinary coaching approach" (BADGE 1) 2018-2019: Ericksonian hypnosis practitioner at the A. R.C.H.E (Academy for Knowledge and Research in Ericksonian Hypnosis) 2019: Master Practitioner in Questiology 2020-2021: Professional coach at the Grenoble School of Management level 2 "Coaching teams or individuals through behavioral agility (BADGE 2) 2020: Certification in Process Communication 2021: Certification in Behavioral Agility 2020-2021: Practitioner in mental preparation with T.O.P (Potential Optimization Techniques) 2021: Specialization module "Hypnosis and Sport" Coaching courses at the Grenoble School of Management are badged (Aptitude Assessment Issued by the Grandes Ecoles).

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