360 Grand Est 2021


Martine MACK


Directrice Générale / AFG Est


Martine Mack, 46, Chief Engineer of Bridges, Waters and Forests, initiated her career within the State at the Directorate General of Food (DGAL) in Paris and then at the Directorate General of the Environment (DIREN) Alsace. In 2006, she joined the Bas-Rhin Department where she headed the services in charge of urban planning, development, housing, then road operation. In 2012 she was appointed Director of Competitiveness and Knowledge in charge of economic development, innovation, research and higher education at the Alsace Region, then Grand Est Region after the 2016 reform. She was then particularly involved in private equity, with regional funds including Alsace Croissance and the participatory investment company SODIV Alsace as a director. In January 2018, Martine Mack was appointed Chief Executive Officer of the mixed economy company. R-GDS, operator of the natural gas network in Strasbourg and in 118 municipalities of the Bas-Rhin. At the scale of its territory, the R-GDS group acts directly on the locally relevant levers of the energy transition. . The promotion of renewable gases, the development of low-carbon district heating networks, the optimization of energy efficiency and thermal renovation are the guiding principles of this strategy. In 2019, R-GDS partnered with the innovative company Haffner Energy to develop the R-HYNOCA project, the first biomass thermolysis pilot site aimed at producing green hydrogen for sustainable mobility and the needs of local industry by 2022/23.

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