360 Grand Est 2021




Directeur exécutif


Born in July 1963 in Paris, Nicolas Dufourcq has been Chief Executive Officer of Bpifrance, the public investment bank, since February 2013. In 2020, Bpifrance made around €20 billion in loans (for an outstanding amount of €42 billion), €3 billion in financing (loans and aid) for innovation and €3.6 billion in equity investments in start-ups, SMEs, mid-caps and large groups. Among the thousand stakes in the portfolio managed by Bpifrance (for a total of €42 billion) are 10% of orange's capital, 6.2% of Stellantis, about 14% of ST Microelectronics and about 20% of Eutelsat. Finally, since 1 January 2017, Bpifrance has been managing public export guarantees on behalf of the State. In 2020, €11.7 billion was granted in credit insurance. A graduate of HEC and ENA, Nicolas Dufourcq began his career at the Ministry of Economy and Finance and then at the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs in 1992. In 1994, he joined France Telecom, where he created the multimedia division, before chairing Wanadoo, a France Telecom subsidiary for the Internet and the Yellow Pages. In 2003, he joined Capgemini, where he initially led the Central & Southern Europe region, successfully leading its turnaround plan. In September 2004, he was appointed Group Chief Financial Officer and member of the Executive Committee. In 2005, he became Deputy Chief Executive Officer in charge of finance, risk management, information systems, delivery and purchasing and, from 2007, the follow-up of the Group's key accounts. Nicolas Dufourcq is also Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board of ST Microelectronics (non-executive), member of the Supervisory Committee of Doctolib and member of the Supervisory Board of Stellantis, and director of the think tanks Digital New Deal and En Temps Réel.

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