360 Grand Est 2021


Jean-François CARPENTIER


Délégué régional Grand Est chez ENGIE Président de l AFG Est (Association Française du Gaz)


Jean-François CARPENTIER is President of the Association Française des Gaz région Grand Est. After studying process engineering, he began a career with the SUEZ group and then ENGIE to design and build solutions for hazardous waste disposal, water treatment, energy production and consumption optimization. In 2015, he joined the ENGIE Biogaz structure, to develop the biomethane sector in the Grand Est, Hauts de France, Ile de France and Normandy regions. Then he took responsibility for the valorization of green gas for France. Today, he has been the regional delegate of the ENGIE group since 2019, and coordinates the activities of the ENGIE group.

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