360 Grand Est 2021


Jean-Philippe DESBIOLLES

IBM Industry Academy

Vice-President & Managing Director – Financial Services AI & Data Leader at IBM Industry Academy


As a Senior Executive with 22 years of international experience, Jean-Philippe is a leader in Digital and Cognitive transformation projects in financial services. He has a successful track record in transforming businesses by leveraging Digital, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Advanced Analytics, Blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud. He built the Cognitive and Analytics business at IBM Singapore covering Southeast Asia, led the global banking industry for IBM Watson Group in New York (AI & Data IBM Business Unit), and led the cognitive process transformation team in France for 4 years. He has personally led key strategic and transformational projects for major international financial institutions. His expertise covers three main areas of activity through the impacts on the user experience (UX/UI & omni-channel approach), the empowerment of employees with business changes, and finally processes. He is now IBM's global AI & Data Leader for financial services (retail banking, financial market and insurance). He is responsible for positioning IBM as a trusted partner in the cognitive transformation of its customers. Jean-Philippe communicates his convictions around AI, digital transformation, ethics and technology in the context of numerous university programs (Columbia University, INSEAD, Zermatt Summit Foundation, HEC Executive Program ...) and conferences (CES Unveiled, Technion, THINK ...) and has been leading for 4 years the project of the impact of AI on skills and human resources for the European Commission. He also wrote and published his first book AI will be what you will do with it (Editions Dunod, 2019), where he shares his vision on AI redefining the partnership between humans and machines through 10 golden rules. Nicknamed the "French Doctor Watson" by Forbes magazine, he helped make the concept of a cognitive enterprise a reality.

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