360 Grand Est 2021


Jacques MOULIN


Directeur Général


Jacques Moulin has been Managing Director of IDATE DigiWorld since 1 July 2017. Jacques started his career at Thomson SA. He joined the France Telecom-Orange group in 1991 and participated in the transformation of the Group's B2B, B2C and HR sectors, in France and abroad. He has also held various managerial and operational positions: Head of Human Resources for the East Paris Region, Head of Human Resources for Orange Business Services, Regional Director for Lorraine and Territorial Director for the Eastern Region (Alsace-Lorraine, Burgundy, Franche-Comté). Jacques has managed 11 territorial departments and the Human Resources department of Orange France (+ 80,000 employees). From 2011 to 2017, he was Chief Executive Officer of Sofrecom, a subsidiary of the Orange Group, specializing in engineering consulting. Jacques Moulin holds a degree in Political Science. He has a legal background, a Master's degree from the Institute of Political Studies (IEP) and has also followed the "Economics and Business school's international development" program at ESSEC.

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