360 Grand Est 2021


Thierry DANIEL


Délégué Territorial Nord Est


Thierry DANIEL graduated from the École des Mines de Douai, with a degree in energy engineering in 1992. He has held numerous responsibilities in the energy field, firstly with EDF and then in the gas sector. In 2004, he moved to Reims as Delegate for Local Authorities to develop partnerships with Gaz de France and then GDF Suez. He joined the renewable energy development division in 2013 and participated in the development of methanisation projects in the Grand Est and Hauts de France regions as well as in Normandy. Since 2015, Thierry DANIEL has been GRTgaz's North East Territorial Delegate in charge of Public Affairs and Ecological and Energy Transition for the Grand Est and Hauts de France regions. He is also President of the Bioenergy Community of the Industries AgroRessources (IAR) Competitiveness Cluster, the Bioeconomy Cluster.

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