360 Grand Est 2021


Philippe BORNE

INPI Grand Est

Délégué INPI Grand Est


Philippe Borne is responsible for the INPI delegation of the Grand Est region in Strasbourg. A doctor of pharmacy by training, he joined the INPI in 1986 to participate in the design of the Pharmsearch pharmaceutical patent database, a project also involving questel-Orbit and Derwent. This allowed him to get in close contact with patent information professionals from major pharmaceutical/chemical companies in Europe, particularly in Germany, and the United States. Philippe then became Deputy Head of the IP Research Department of the INPI, before joining the INPI's Economic Action Department in 2008, first in Dijon and, since 2014, in Strasbourg. Its main mission is, with its team, to raise awareness among companies, especially SMEs, about intellectual property and to encourage them to implement an active policy in this area. Philippe is a member of the French-speaking Group of Patent Information Users (CFIB), regularly publishes articles in specialized journals such as BASES, and is an expert in the network of patent information centers run by the European Patent Office.

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