360 Grand Est 2021



Viatic is a set of digital solutions for local elected officials and their territorial collaborators. Born from the spirit of a former mayor, and with the assistance of several elected officials in the course of their mandate, Viatic aims to accompany the elected officials to face the increasing difficulties in the exercise of their mandate. Find all our solutions on line on www.viatic.net - Piloter Ma Commune : A software allowing to optimize the piloting of your commune or intercommunality through a collaborative tool conceived by elected officials for elected officials. - Campus des Elus: An online or face-to-face training offer designed to meet the current needs of all elected officials during their term of office. Possibility of creating "tailor-made" training for specific requests. - Viatic Academy: A free online platform for knowledge sharing and mutual support for all local elected officials and their territorial collaborators. Find testimonies of elected representatives and words of experts of local authorities in video in order to reinforce the attractiveness of your territory.