360 Grand Est 2021



Beyond its action of registration and grant of titles (patents, trademarks, designs and models), the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) acts in favor of economic development through its actions to raise awareness and promote innovation and its challenges. The Institute supports all innovators so that they transform their projects into concrete achievements, their innovations into value. A self-financed public institution under the supervision of the Ministry in charge of industrial property, the INPI also actively participates in the development and implementation of public policies in the field of intellectual property, support for innovation and the competitiveness of companies as well as the fight against counterfeiting. Custodian of all industrial property titles filed in France and data from the National Trade and Companies Register, the INPI disseminates more than 56.7 million open, free and reusable data. The INPI is now the operator of the counter for business formalities (creations, modifications, terminations). Finally, the INPI is in charge of the approval of artisanal and industrial geographical indications.

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