360 Grand Est 2021


SATT of the Greater East Region : What if public research made your rebound easier? It is said that unity is strength! Collaboration with public research is proving to be THE solution for those who want to increase their performance. Do you want to boost your business or transform your business? The public research laboratories of the Greater East have real solutions for you and your R&D. Come and discover their innovative technologies, expertise and scientific equipment at the forefront of progress. Connected to local laboratories, SATT CONECTUS, SAYENS and SATT NORD simplify access to these solutions, to allow you to industrialize an innovative technology resulting from public research in the Grand Est or to co-develop innovation projects with research teams. To strengthen your competitiveness, SATTs are at your disposal and mobilize to help you move forward! Meet our experts at the "Café de l'Innovation" or request a personalized appointment as part of the Business Convention. www.conectus.fr /// www.sayens.fr /// www.sattnord.fr