360 Grand Est 2021

Institut Hospitalo-Universitaire de Strasbourg



The IHU Strasbourg is one of seven UHIs in France. It is a multidisciplinary institute dedicated to the creation and dissemination of innovative image-guided therapies for optimized, secure and personalized patient care. The IHU applies its innovations primarily to oncology surgery, with a focus on the treatment of digestive pathologies, but the program is designed to encourage transfer to other specialties. The IHU's multidisciplinary scientific program is internationally recognized. It includes a major component of translational research oriented towards clinical applications and carried out through a network of cooperation with numerous industrial and academic partners at the national and international level. Since its creation in 2011, the IHU has produced more than 2,900 publications in peer-reviewed journals and filed over 100 patent applications. To carry out its work, the IHU integrates on the same site all the resources and skills needed to develop breakthrough diagnostic or therapeutic approaches: hybrid operating rooms with multimodal imaging, e-health tools and an artificial intelligence laboratory. The need for continuity between research and development activities and clinical research has led to the creation of a preclinical research platform, the only one of its kind in the world, specialized in the evaluation of medical devices in the field of minimally invasive and image-guided therapies.

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