360 Grand Est 2021



Grand E-Nov+, The Regional Agency for Innovation and International Prospecting was born from the merger between the Grand E-Nov Innovation Agency and the Alsace Attractiveness Agency in July 2020. Under the impetus and with the support of Grand Est region and CCI Grand Est, the Agency deploys many actions in favor of the territory and companies, particularly within the framework of the Grand Est Business Act. In terms of innovation, the Agency supports companies, small or large, first-time or mature, in all their projects: new products or services to be put on the market, structuring of a Research and Development project, identification of technological partners or startups, digital transformation or access to regional, national or European funding, etc. alongside existing structures and in coherence with the Regional Scheme for Economic Development, Innovation and Internationalization (SRDEII). In addition, the Agency also supports companies in the Grand Est to respond to local, national and international public contracts and introduces public buyers to good practices in public procurement. In terms of international prospecting, it aims to attract exogenous added value in the Grand Est in the form of new companies or start-ups and to develop new technical and Research and Development partnerships. Its team, composed of consultants, doctors and engineers, is located throughout the country. This proximity makes it possible to be as close as possible to companies and local actors.

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