Brochures 1. Document with picture
Noninte cursus rutrumnu morbi iam uis pulvina nulla vulput eger. Sodalesm facili habitant bus turpisve sque nean iam. Nascetur nunc iennam nean lectusa lobortis interdum nean rerit auctorcr. Isque diamin tiam tfusce mi tempusp purus vitaenu proin. Musfusce nullam ornare mus nullain diampr non.
Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum
Noninte cursus rutrumnu morbi iam uis pulvina nulla vulput eger. Sodalesm facili habitant bus turpisve sque nean iam. Nascetur nunc iennam nean lectusa lobortis interdum nean rerit auctorcr. Isque diamin tiam tfusce mi tempusp purus vitaenu proin. Musfusce nullam ornare mus nullain diampr non.

Lorem ipsum
Nam quibusdam, quos audio sapientes habitos in Graecia, placuisse opinor mirabilia quaedam (sed nihil est quod illi non persequantur argutiis): partim fugiendas esse nimias amicitias, ne necesse sit unum sollicitum. Nam quibusdam, quos audio sapientes habitos in Graecia, placuisse opinor mirabilia quaedam (sed nihil est quod illi non persequantur argutiis)
Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum
Nam quibusdam, quos audio sapientes habitos in Graecia, placuisse opinor mirabilia quaedam (sed nihil est quod illi non persequantur argutiis): partim fugiendas esse nimias amicitias, ne necesse sit unum sollicitum. Nam quibusdam, quos audio sapientes habitos in Graecia, placuisse opinor mirabilia quaedam (sed nihil est quod illi non persequantur argutiis)
Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum
Nam quibusdam, quos audio sapientes habitos in Graecia, placuisse opinor mirabilia quaedam (sed nihil est quod illi non persequantur argutiis): partim fugiendas esse nimias amicitias, ne necesse sit unum sollicitum. Nam quibusdam, quos audio sapientes habitos in Graecia, placuisse opinor mirabilia quaedam (sed nihil est quod illi non persequantur argutiis)
Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum
Nam quibusdam, quos audio sapientes habitos in Graecia, placuisse opinor mirabilia quaedam (sed nihil est quod illi non persequantur argutiis): partim fugiendas esse nimias amicitias, ne necesse sit unum sollicitum. Nam quibusdam, quos audio sapientes habitos in Graecia, placuisse opinor mirabilia quaedam (sed nihil est quod illi non persequantur argutiis)
Lorem ipsumDecember 7, 2021
07:50 - 08:50
The challenge of digital skills
The key technologies of tomorrow.
BenoitDECAVELE (CAPCOD)Anne-MarieJEAN (Eurométropole de Strasbourg)LucJULIA (Directeur R&D Renault - expert IA)JacquesMOULIN (IDATE DIGIWORLD)ThierryVONFELT (Numéric’Emploi Grand Est)
08:00 - 09:00
Factors of well-being and efficiency at work: new work spaces
Presentation of innovations in the layout of workspaces after the health crisis and the benefits on employees.
Jean-PierreLOPEZ (Tertia Solutions)LionelSADOUN (AirCampus)
08:45 - 09:30
Recruiting and retaining talent for a startup, what about finding a partner in this context?
Moderated by Philippe BLOCH.
This theme, which will be addressed by representatives of the Grand Est's accredited incubators, Scal'E-nov and SATT, represents one of the major common levers for supporting startups. Recruitment firms and organisations will provide their vision and advice on the subject.
08:50 - 09:05
Industry broadcasting
A look back at the Territories of Industry in the Grand Est.
OlivierSICHEL (Banque des Territoires)
09:00 - 10:00
Thinking long-term for future generations
InèsLEONARDUZZI (Digital For The Planet)
09:00 - 11:30
Making a successful investor pitch & pitch in crash test mode
Experts from Euroquity and the DealFlow Bpifrance unit will provide you with insights on best practices in investor pitching and allow you to challenge your pitch one to one.
HenriCHATAGNON (BPI France)MarieDOLLÉ (EuroQuity)VictorGABELLA (BPI France)KarimHADDADI (BPI France)ChristianLEONETTI (BPI France)ElisaPALCOUX (EuroQuity)AlbanSTAMM (Bpifrance)
09:00 - 09:45
New business models/new economic models to face the new impact of the industry
Bringing together economic and environmental issues with the Economy of Functionality and Cooperation (EFC).
They faced the limits of their economic model and looked for new solutions to boost their activity. Find out how Odyssée and Fortal create value by developing a service-based logic and optimising the management of their resources thanks to the EFC.
A workshop moderated by Initiatives Durables, leader of the Club EFC Grand EST, also in the presence of the intervention and research laboratory ATEMIS, which supports companies in their transition to the EFC.
09:00 - 09:05
Jean-LucHEIMBURGER (CCI Alsace Eurométropole)PiaIMBS (Eurométropole de Strasbourg)
09:00 - 10:00
Smart grids, accelerators of the energy transition
Energy networks at the heart of the energy transition of the territories, the Grand Est in action!
09:00 - 09:45
From laboratories to companies: a range of solutions
Access to cutting-edge skills to develop innovative solutions? Feedback on collaborations between companies and research laboratories
HindBRIL (University of Lorraine)MarcCAPOT (SOCOMEC)ElisabethFERLET (Elisath)VincentNOBLET (Icube)ArnaudRENARD (Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne)
Better living in the Grand Est : a healthier population in a preserved environment
Synergize the needs of territories and their health challenges, in particular through prevention actions through experimentation, co-construction and training tools
Jean-CharlesDRON (Conseil Départemental de la Meuse)GuillaumeFACCHI (OpenCare Lab)EricGEHL (Facilien)NicoleHILL (Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise)RobertPICARD (Conseil Général de l'Economie)LaurentSCHMOLL (TokTokDoc / Nemo Health)
09:02 - 09:12
Intervention by School 42 Mulhouse
Alan, Elise, Fabio and the others.
CarolinePOROT (42 mulhouse)
09:05 - 09:35
Live from the halls of the 360
JérômeGUICHARD (GRTgaz)CyrilleHARAND (UGAP)PiaIMBS (Eurométropole de Strasbourg)
09:05 - 09:20
Economic conference by Nicolas BOUZOU
NicolasBOUZOU (Asteres)
09:12 - 09:22
Intervention by Béatrice Rousset
09:20 - 10:30
Business Act #2 the new challenges of the recovery
JosianeCHEVALIER (Préfecture de région - Grand Est)ValérieDEBORD (Région Grand Est)NicolasDUFOURCQ (BPIFrance)MariyaGABRIELArnaudLEROY (ADEME - Agence de la Transition Ecologique)BorisRAVIGNON (Région Grand Est)JeanROTTNER (Région Grand Est)OlivierSICHEL (Banque des Territoires)
09:22 - 09:32
Intervention by Sébastien Dupont
Presentation of the TOP Method
09:30 - 10:15
Masterclass « Comment j’ai réussi à Scaler ? »
Feedback from Philippe BLOCH & Nicolas SCHAETTEL.
NicolasSHAETTEL (HypnoVR)
09:32 - 09:42
Intervention by ADISTA
09:35 - 09:55
Industry program: Nuclearia program
The NUCLEARIA programme is supported by a consortium comprising EDF, MATERALIA, GIM EST and ENERGIC 52/55.
It aims to bring together the players in the nuclear industry and the providers of 5.0 solutions in the Grand Est Region within a community, thus structuring the nuclear 5.0 industry.
The innovations developed in the nuclear sector may find applications in other sectors of activity, thus encouraging the evolution towards industry 5.0.
DanièleQUANTIN (Matéralia)AurélienSCHWARTZ (Metroscope)
09:42 - 09:52
Intervention by IBM France
AI will be what you make it!
Jean-PhilippeDESBIOLLES (IBM Industry Academy)
09:45 - 10:20
Introduction to the TOP method (Techniques for Optimising Potential)
09:45 - 10:30
Data sovereignty: a democratic and economic issue
By becoming the nerve of the economic and democratic war, data appears as an issue of sovereignty. Thus, to counter competition from abroad, cloud players in Europe, France and the Grand Est Region have seized on these topics to transform constraints into opportunities. Their initiatives to design secure and shared data spaces with associated services help create value from the data.
5G: towards new uses for the benefit of industry
Why is 5G technology a new technological foundation for our industries. Ultra-connectivity, instantaneous exchanges, reliability of connections in electro-disturbed environments with controlled energy consumption, disruptive innovations that reverse open the way to new services and control of your production processes. Presentation of the state of the art and inspiring applications to discover.
AnneCOREAU (Orange)DavidGLIJER (ArcelorMittal France)JacquesMOULIN (IDATE DIGIWORLD)MinggangZHANG (HUAWEI)
09:50 - 10:20
The citizen at the heart of health research and innovation
"My health space", an opportunity for research and innovation to guarantee sovereignty and trust in respect for the values of our health system
SarahCAPRON-MAQUAIRE (GRAND E-NOV+)LaurentDAL MAS (Agence Régionale de Santé (ARS) Grand Est)JeanSIBILIA (Unistra)
09:52 - 10:02
Intervention by AFG
The gas network as a vehicle for energy transition .
09:55 - 10:15
Industry broadcast: InnovENT-E network and ISIFT
Ambition and action programme of the INNOVENTE institute in Grand Est for industrial companies in particular.
TahaArbaoui (Université de Technologie de Troyes)
10:00 - 10:30
Reverse pitches: When SMEs pitch to startups
The impact of the health crisis on new ways of organising work
The traditional office is declining, nomadism is on the rise: how do employees want to work today, the explosion of third places.
10:02 - 10:12
Intervention by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise
La digitalisation au service des métiers.
SylvainLECOUSTEY (Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise)
10:12 - 10:22
Intervention by ANSSI
The Regional CSIRT, assistance centre for victims of cyber attacks.
MichelROCHELET (Agence Nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d’information)
10:15 - 11:00
Ecological transition and public procurement: from constraint to opportunity
A sequence on responsible purchasing, inspired by the National Plan for Sustainable Purchasing 2021-2025, a national roadmap on the subject, followed by a focus on the results of the "Public and Private Purchasing" working group of the Business Act Grand Est II, feedback from the City and Eurometropolis of Strasbourg and the presentation of the REGIONAL CHARTER FOR PUBLIC PROCUREMENT GRAND EST and its 42 commitments to make public procurement a tool for economic recovery in the Grand Est. This sequence will be followed by the first signing session of the REGIONAL CHARTER FOR PUBLIC PROCUREMENT
LaurentBELLONI (Président du groupe de travail « Achats publics et privés » du Business Act Grand Est II)ChristianBRASSAC (Ville et Eurométropole de Strasbourg)RomainCAYREY (Moniteur des travaux publics et du bâtiment)BrunoKOEBEL (Ville et Eurométropole de Strasbourg)BorisRAVIGNON (Région Grand Est)SylvieSIFFERMANN (SGARE)
10:22 - 10:32
Intervention by ENGIE GREEN
How to facilitate the adhesion of territories to wind energy projects?
10:30 - 11:00
Startup-company pitches - Focus Greentech Energy and environmental transition
When start-ups and ETI meet in pitch mode.
RémyFRADET (BPI France)
10:30 - 11:15
Masterclass Growthhacking
Registration required:
With the intervention of GERMINAL.
ClaireJENVRIN (Germinal)
10:30 - 11:50
Workshop "Tomorrow, my business park of the future"
Workshop by invitation only.
10:30 - 11:30
Deeptech startups, the answer to tomorrow's challenges?
StéphaneCHAUFFRIAT (Incubateur Semia)MichelDE MATHELIN (UNISTRA)CarolineDREYER (SATT Conectus)Paul FrançoisFOURNIER (BPI France)FrançoisGROSDIDIER (Région Grand Est)YannickLAFUE (BLACKLEAF)Jean-PhilippeMANGEOT (Urbanloop)SéverineSIGRIST (DEFYMED)
10:30 - 11:15
Process agility for the new industrial challenge: the case of additive manufacturing Process agility for the new industrial shock: the case of additive manufacturing
Additive Manufacturing, an emerging technology, represents a strategic potential for innovation to position France as a future world leader.
Regional technology centres are at the forefront of at least 3 of the seven processes in this technology.
Green and Energy transition
JérômeBETTON (ADEME)Jean-FrançoisCARPENTIER (ENGIE)AndreasKUHLMANN (DENA (Agence Allemande de l'énergie))FranckLEROY (Région Grand Est)ArnaudLEROY (ADEME - Agence de la Transition Ecologique)ValérieMASSON-DELMOTTE (Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement / Institut Pierre Simon Laplace )AnneRIBAYROL-FLESCHLaurentSCHMITT (Unistra)JulienVILLERET (EDF Groupe)
10:30 - 11:00
The human being at the heart of the concerns of the third places of the Grand Est - Feedback
AlainD'IRIBARNE (CNRS)Jean-MarcFOURNEL (Ville de Longwy)Jean-PierreLOPEZ (Tertia Solutions)SidonieMARTINEZ-SVOBODA (le Rucher Créatif)PatrickREIN (KM0)
10:30 - 11:15
Support for change for citizens, health personnel and all actors involved in the context of the transformation of the health sector
Ensure access to the health offer, for any citizen of the Grand Est, via innovative digital solutions based on an adequate organization by guaranteeing their proper use
RémyBANULS (EMS)Pierre-JeanBENSOUSSAN (InSimo)GuillaumeFACCHI (OpenCare Lab)Jean LucGRILLON (Réseau Sport Santé Bien-être)Jean-MichelMEYER (France Assos Santé Grand Est)JeanSIBILIA (Unistra)
10:32 - 10:42
Intervention by COS - SOLUTECH
The 3Cs: a condition for a successful transformation
10:40 - 11:15
Cybermallix strikes back against viruses and malware
The CNRS, the University of Lorraine, Inria and WALLIX, a European cybersecurity software publisher, are combining their skills to strengthen the fight against malware. The aim is to design and develop predictive cybersecurity solutions, based on artificial intelligence, in order to maximise the detection of malicious software.
10:42 - 10:52
Intervention by Inès Leonarduzzi
InèsLEONARDUZZI (Digital For The Planet)
10:45 - 11:30
European Digital Innovation Hubs - Accelerating the digital transition of businesses!
10:52 - 11:02
Intervention by France Brevet
How is intellectual property a lever for technological sovereignty and economic efficiency?
DidierPATRY (France Brevets)
11:00 - 12:00
Encouraging innovation: releasing creative energy and involvement.
GeoffreyKRETZ (Kwit)BéatriceROUSSET
11:02 - 11:12
Intervention by HUAWEI
For a suitable world.
11:12 - 11:22
Intervention by GAIA X
Project GAIA X
11:15 - 12:00
One minute to present your company, it's possible! We'll dust off your pitches, 100% slide-free
DanLECLAIRE (MindEvent)
Digital transition
JacquesBELTRAN (Dassault Systemes)ThomasBUFFARDFrançoisGROSDIDIER (Région Grand Est)SimonLAUZIER (DRAKKAR Digital - CQTNC)SylvainLECOUSTEY (Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise)LaurentLUCAS (Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne)ThierryMEYNLE (Divalto)JacquesMOULIN (IDATE DIGIWORLD)Anne-MarieSASSEN
How can green finance boost the transition?
The financial sector has a major role to play in allocating resources towards a more sustainable and resilient economy. Let's talk about it!
EliseGAULTIER (ELISE GAULTIER)KarineMERERE (ADEME Investissement)Anne-LaurenceROUCHER (Mirova)NicholasVANTREESE (La Banque Postale)
Paris 2024 Olympic Games: what impact for the economic actors of the Grand Est
What will be the economic impact of the Paris 2024 Games on companies and territories in the Grand Est Region? What will be the role of local authorities, companies and sponsors of the Games? After answers to these questions, this sequence will end with the announcement of local events in the Grand Est around the economic opportunities related to the Games markets and will formalize the launch of the Grand Est Public Procurement Network.
RomainCAYREY (Moniteur des travaux publics et du bâtiment)Jean-ChristopheLABBÉ (Caisse d’Epargne Grand Est Europe)PiaLE FICHER (Les Canaux)BorisRAVIGNON (Région Grand Est)FrançoisWERNER (Région Grand Est)
11:22 - 11:32
Intervention by SNCF
Less CO2, more attractiveness = competitiveness²
11:30 - 13:00
Direct from the hall of 360 Grand Est
JérômeBETTON (ADEME)PhilippeBORNE (INPI Grand Est)YvanCharnavel (STORENGY)LudmilaGAUTIER (ES Energies Strasbourg)OlivierGROSJEANNE (ADISTA)LindaHAN (HUAWEI)Jean-ChristopheLABBÉ (Caisse d’Epargne Grand Est Europe)SylvainLECOUSTEY (Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise)EvanMARTIN-BROCARD (Alcimed)MauriceOMS (Banque de France)QuentinSCHOUVER (LEYTON)
11:32 - 11:42
Intervention by Eurométropole de Strasbourg
Moving towards a more responsible digital future.
CarolineZORN (Eurométropole de Strasbourg)
11:42 - 11:52
Intervention by SYSTANCIA
Towards a future without passwords.
JonathanFUSSNER (Neomia)
12:00 - 12:45
Introduction to the TOP method (Techniques for Optimising Potential)
The benefits of meditation on leadership
Jean-GérardBLOCH (Université de Strasbourg)ThéoJESPAS (Symples)EdouardSEMIN (Syslor)JocelyneYALENIOS (Ecole de Management Strasbourg)
12:15 - 13:30
Video projection "Terre Urbaine" by Pascal Goblot
12:30 - 13:45
Cross-border cooperation in the Europe Valley - INTERREG programmes
Recovery through innovation is an issue shared by the German, Belgian, Swiss and Luxembourg Regions bordering the Grand Est Region. The INTERREG cooperation programmes enable the strengthening of cooperation on key subjects such as technology transfer, ecological, industrial and digital transitions, etc. The aim of this round table is to provide a better understanding of how these programmes work in view of the new 2021-2027 programming period.
MichelDE MATHELIN (UNISTRA)CatherineDELEVOYE (Technoport)MathieuMORINathalieRAU (Universität des Saarlandes)
12:45 - 14:15
Reverse pitching session "When VCs pitch their investment thesis
Presentation of investment funds and exchanges with start-ups with the participation of the following funds: Finovam, Capital Grand Est, ILP, UI Investissement, Elaia, Hi-Inov, Demeter, Mirova, BtoV, Bpifrance Investissement.
MarieDOLLÉ (EuroQuity)KarimHADDADI (BPI France)ElisaPALCOUX (EuroQuity)PhilippeTANDEAU DE MARSAC (Grand E-nov)
12:45 - 13:45
Culture of entrepreneurship sequence with the PEPITE of the Grand Est
AnneBLANCHART (Sol &co)NatachaHAUSER COSTA (Incubateur Lorrain)GrégoryHEBINGER (Université de Strasbourg)HugoSPIESS (Prosoon)NicolasYACKOB (CRÉATIV'LABZ URCA)
12:45 - 13:30
Future challenges in the development of medical devices
MedTech innovation in the face of new regulatory orientations and the need for multi-skills / expertise
JulieFREYDIERE (BioValley France)BenoitGALLIX (Institut Hospitalo-Universitaire de Strasbourg)PatriciaGRUFFAZ (MedUniq Center)PaulineGUYOT (NOVIGA)LouisMAYAUD (RDS SAS)SéverineSIGRIST (DEFYMED)
13:00 - 14:00
Icebreaker Meeting of Digital Women of the Grand Est
Women also talk digital! Sharing experiences and exchanges will be the key words.
CindyACCOLAS (Grand E-Nov+)CécileDOUTRIAUX (Juris Défense Avocats)AlinaHOLCROFT (INSA Strasbourg )IsabelleKUHN-SCHULTZ (Grand E-Nov)CatherineMOSSER (Alsace Digitale)CatherinePHILIBERT (le clan digital)CarolineSCHEIDT (
13:00 - 14:30
The climate wall: Move the world into transition!
Discover the collaborative workshop "The Climate Wall" which helps to understand the essentials about climate issues in order to take action.
It is necessary to understand a problem in order to find solutions and take action. In 3 years, the Climate Fresco has become the reference tool to enable individuals and organisations to take ownership of the climate change challenge.
13:00 - 14:00
Meeting the biodiversity challenge!
How can we reconcile biodiversity conservation, natural resource management and economic development?
13:00 - 13:45
Cybersecurity as a trust and performance factor
Let's join forces to promote the development of sovereign solutions and master data
LaurentCAYATTE (METSYS)ChristopheCORNE (SYSTANCIA)DavidDUBUS (Unumkey)Jean YvesMARION (Loria)
How to successfully transform my industrial company to meet the challenges of the digital transition ecological and energy transition
Bioenergy: a local resource for ecological transition and sustainable mobility
The Grand Est is a region particularly committed to the green economy and the bioeconomy. Bioenergy is a major asset in the service of the ecological transition and the decarbonization of mobility.
MathieuCHARBONNIER (AFG Est - Association Française du Gaz)EmmanuelCONNESSON (GRDF)StéphanieDOMMANGE (SNCF)Charles-AndréDUFLOT (Roquette)GuillaumeJOLLY (Région Grand Est)MouhamedNIAKATE (IAR, le pôle de la Bioéconomie)
13:00 - 14:00
Digital and open data: public procurement is changing
Initiated in 2017, the Digital Transformation Plan for Public Procurement must lead to the complete dematerialization of public procurement. 2022 will mark the arrival of new services for companies and public buyers, including greater openness of data. The publication of this data is an essential vector of transparency and also contributes to the better access of VSEs and SMEs to public procurement, thanks in part to the publication of purchasing forecasts.
RomainCAYREY (Moniteur des travaux publics et du bâtiment)HervéFORMELL (Région Grand Est)EliahMOREL-EMSELLEM (Ministère de l'économie, des finances et de la relance)Jean-FrançoisTHIBOUS (Direction des affaires juridiques des ministères économiques et financiers)EmelineVANDEVEN (DATACTIVIST)
13:12 - 13:22
Intervention by PwC
Is the GSE still an option?
Jean-PhilippeDUVAL (PwC)
13:22 - 13:32
Intervention by ADEME
ADEME's Transitions 2050: what future for industry?
13:30 - 15:00
Territories in transition: tomorrow is already here!
DamienAUGIAS (Banque des Territoires)GuillaumeBASSET (ANCT)PascalBERTEAUD (Cerema)JérômeBETTON (ADEME)JeanDUMONTEIL (Global Local Forum)VincentGOLLAIN (Institut Paris Region)FranckLEROY (Région Grand Est)MichelSALEM-SERMANET (EFFICACITY)
13:30 - 14:10
Industrial transition
StéphaneCHIPPONI (Préfecture du Haut-Rhin)PierreGUYARD (ENGIE Solutions)BorisRAVIGNON (Région Grand Est)Jean-ClaudeREVERDELL (SEW USOCOME)AnaïsVOY GILLISFaroukYALAOUI (UTT - Université de technologie de Troyes)MinggangZHANG (HUAWEI)
13:30 - 14:15
Biotherapies and new forms of drug production
Reindustrializing our territories through the ability to innovate in the field of development and production of (bio)medicines – Challenges and key success factors
DanièleBENSOUSSAN (CHU Nancy)MatthieuDE KALBERMATTEN (CellProthera)Jean-DominiqueGUITTON (BioValley France)EricQUEMENEUR (Transgene S.A)
13:32 - 13:42
Intervention by EDF
When EDF uses design to accelerate the energy transition.
JulienVILLERET (EDF Groupe)
13:45 - 14:30
AI as a value creator for companies
Beyond fantasies, artificial intelligence can solve very concrete industrial problems. Feedback!
Jacques-HenriBROUSSE (Bial-X)MarcDAEFFLER (TRYBA INDUSTRIE)JonathanFOUREUR (Phedone)MatthieuHENRY D'AULNOIS (IBM consulting)SébastienMEUNIER (Basel Area Business & Innovation)
13:45 - 14:45
Young people's view of tomorrow's world of work
IsabelleROUHAN (Observatoire des métiers du futur)
13:50 - 14:10
Let's talk energy at home, the power of collective citizen intelligence!
Meeting with people to listen directly to their opinions, expectations, fears, hopes and questions about energy in general and electricity in particular, is the challenge EDF has set itself with the Let's Talk Energy at Home operation.
Jean-MichelDEVEZA (EDF)SylvainDORSCHNER (Grand E-Nov +)PhilippeMECHET (EDF)
13:52 - 14:02
Intervention by Banque de France
"Start-up correspondent": the Banque de France is committed to the Tech ecosystem.
MauriceOMS (Banque de France)
14:00 - 14:30
Icebreaker French Tech East
MaximeGROJEAN (French Tech East)ClémentSORNIN-KASBI (AIRCAMPUS)MaximeVALETTE (French Tech Grand Reims)
14:00 - 14:45
Europe, Innovation et financement des Petites et Moyennes Entreprises
DianeGIBELIN (NIMESIS Technology)Paul-GuilhemMEUNIER (Bpifrance)AsafSHILONI (Kadimastem)SéverineSIGRIST (DEFYMED)
14:00 - 15:00
Industrial performance, digital and environmental transformations as seen by innovative companies in the Grand Est
ChristopheBACHMANN (NOREMAT)JacquesBELTRAN (Dassault Systemes)EmmanuelCONNESSON (GRDF)GeoffroyD'ANSELME (Caisse d’Epargne Grand Est Europe)LiseDAMIEN (ENGIE Solutions)StéphanieDOMMANGE (SNCF)FrédéricGUICHARD (De Dietrich)ChristopheKIEFFER (AG2R La Mondiale)HervéLAMORLETTE (R-CUA)EtienneLEROI (N. Schlumberger)
14:02 - 14:12
Intervention by GRTGaz
Biomethane, synthetic gas, hydrogen: the future of networks is being prepared today.
ThierryDANIEL (GRTgaz)
14:10 - 14:50
Transformation of the health sector
VirginieCAYRE (ARS - Agence Régionale de Santé Grand Est)NadègeHORNBECK (Région Grand Est)NicolasJURADO (BioSerenity)UlfNEHRBASS (Luxembourg Institute of Health)JeanSIBILIA (Unistra)PascalVOIRIOT (Cardiabase)IsabelleZABLIT-SCHMITZ
14:15 - 15:00
The territories at the heart of hydrogen deployment
The promising hydrogen sector is developing in the territories.
OlivierARTHAUD (ENGIE)PhilippeFOLLET (Hynamics)EricGASPARD (ADEME - Agence de la Transition Ecologique)EliseGAULTIER (ELISE GAULTIER)JacquesHAENN (Pôle Véhicule du Futur)MartineMACK (R-GDS)
14:30 - 15:30
Startups & Scaleups in Grand Est
This sequence will highlight the territorial network in terms of support for scaleup startups in the Grand Est. This moment will also offer an inspiring speech by Edgar Grospiron & a speech by French Tech East, which will then give way to the Scal'E-nov prize-giving ceremony and the announcement of the winners of the 4th promotion.
EricBAGRIOT (Center Parcs)MoritzFeninger (MackNeXT & Mack One France)MaximeGROJEAN (French Tech East)FrançoisGROSDIDIER (Région Grand Est)EdgarGROSPIRONBorisRAVIGNON (Région Grand Est)
14:30 - 15:15
Digital responsibility: an overview
"Green IT", "IT for Human", "AI ethical", ... so many concepts included in Responsible Digital! Decryption.
FrédéricBORDAGE (Green IT)YannCARBAIN (ADEME)CécileDOUTRIAUX (Juris Défense Avocats)StéphaneGÉGOUT (Harmonic Pharma)SébastienPUSSIAU (Exaion)FrédéricSPINDLER (Digital Ease)
Moving towards a resilient industry : Circular industry
The raw materials extracted from our soils are running out and some will no longer be available within 10 years. Faced with this major challenge, the Circular Economy proposes other ways of designing products, reducing and recovering waste to make new raw materials while reducing the carbon impact. Digital technologies play a central role in product design, process optimization and the construction of collaborative supply chains. Come and understand the challenges of reuse with ENVIE and the measures proposed by the regional ecosystem.
ArnaudBOYER (R-CUA)PruneESQUERRE (IDATE)AmauryGRENOT (ENVIE Strasbourg)RonanSEBILO (CCI Grand Est)
14:50 - 15:20
Employment and skills
Jean-FrançoisDUTERTRE (Direction régionale de l'économie, de l'emploi, du travail et des solidarités (DREETS) Grand Est)OlivierFARON (CNAM (Conservatoire national des arts et métiers))MarcHALEVY (Noetique)IsabelleHELIOT-COURONNE (Conseil régional)CarineSEILER
15:00 - 16:30
Structuring an application project in agile mode in tourism thanks to open data, European project DEAS
Open data, data that is freely available and can be used and shared freely, is becoming a real economic and societal challenge for territories.
Course :
Within the framework of the European project DEAS "Data Economy Alps Strategy", three themes are developed on the opportunities of data exploitation: tourism and culture, environment, mobility.
The aim of this session will be to familiarise you with the subject of open data and to demonstrate its benefits and applications with a concrete case of experimentation in Alsace.
Programme :
Introductory remarks by Grand Enov+.
The challenges of data and open data by Data Grand Est
The DEAS project by Grand Enov+ and its evolution thanks to the different stakeholders (University, Companies, Citizens, Institutions)
Transnational approach to data exploitation by Grand Enov+: Presentation of the DEAS Platform and the available APIs (Tourism or Mobility)
Presentation of the experimentation in progress on the scale of our territory by Grand Enov+, Ecole de Management de Strasbourg, CESI Strasbourg
The challenges for regional tourism actors by ART Grand Est and for a local SME with the company Batorama
A duplicable methodology, replicable to other fields and territories through our partners / actors of Innovation (- by Grand Enov+ -)
Presentation of future actions with the establishment of Business Model Canvas for different SME actors (in France or internationally)
Questions & Answers
NicolasFRANÇOIS (Agence Régionale du Tourisme Grand Est)CoralieHALLER (EM Strasbourg Business School)OlivierHORENT (GRAND E NOV + Agence d'Innovation de la Région Grand Est)StéphaneKLEIN (Alsace Tech)GuillaumeRYCKELYNCK (Data Grand Est)OlivierSANDEL (CESI Ecole d'Ingénieurs - Campus de STRASBOURG)ReynaldSCHAICH (Batorama)GuillaumeSEURIN (Grand ENov +)StéphanieTOUSSAINT (Grand E-Nov+)
15:00 - 16:00
Le Grand Est en mouvement: Adaptation and transformation of territories in the face of environmental, digital and industrial challenges
ChristopheCHOSEROT (Métropole du Grand Nancy)AngeloERRERA-MULLER (MAIRIE DE BARR)CédricGOUTH (Inspire Metz / Eurométropole de Metz)BorisRAVIGNON (Région Grand Est)LaurentRICHE (Mulhouse Alsace Agglomération)CarolineZORN (Eurométropole de Strasbourg)
15:00 - 15:45
Greentech for the ecological transition of companies
Companies: discover innovative solutions to meet ecological and energy challenges, and attend the launch of SoRezo, the Regional Greentech Platform!
JérômeBETTON (ADEME)ChristelleBRIDEY (ENGIE)PierreDERON (Cleantech Open France)EliseGAULTIER (ELISE GAULTIER)FranckLEROY (Région Grand Est)KatiaRONZEAU (Ecosys Group)MyriamSchwartz (Fondation Solar Impulse)
15:15 - 16:00
Towards a resilient industry : re-industrialisation - the case of the wood sector in the Grand Est
With enormous wood resources and a wealth of skills, the Grand Est is in a privileged position to supply our neighbours with raw materials. The players in the regional sector are organising themselves to respond to the disruption of supply chains and the new ecological challenges. Beyond the wood sector, many sectors can benefit from this structuring scheme to generate local economic growth.
JérémieBOUCHER (PAVATEX)FrançoisCARTIER LAURIN (PwC)PierreDHORNE (Garnica Troyes)SachaJUNG (FIBOIS GRAND EST)StephaneMULLER (Schilliger Bois)
Digital transformation paths for businesses: how can digital technology boost VSEs?
Retailers, craftsmen and farmers must also seize the opportunities offered by digital technology. What are the success factors for a successful digital transformation?
NoraDEMENGEON (CMA Grand Est)SylvainJACOBÉE (CCI des Vosges)SergeRESSEGAIRE (e-CO-system)ThomasSchenck (Connecto SAS)StefanSIMEONOV (France LED)
The challenges related to the European health strategy and their impact on the Greater Region
Integration of national and European initiatives in digital health and the strategic role of regional actors in the Grand Est due to their geographical/cross-border position
Jean-JacquesBERNARDINI (Grand E-nov+)Jean-LucDIMARCQ (IHU Strasbourg)BenoitGALLIX (Institut Hospitalo-Universitaire de Strasbourg)UlfNEHRBASS (Luxembourg Institute of Health)JeanSIBILIA (Unistra)IsabelleZABLIT-SCHMITZ
15:20 - 15:55
Regards croisés du "Comité des sages"
EmmanuelleBEYER (CRESS)Marie-ClaudeBRIET-CLEMONT (CESER)MaximinCHARPENTIER (Chambre régionale d'agriculture - Grand Est)Jean-PaulHASSLER (CCI Meuse Haute-Marne)ChristopheRICHARD (Chambre de Métiers et de l’Artisanat Grand Est)
15:30 - 15:50
Launch of the EDF Pulse Grand Est competition
Jean-FrançoisCAMUS (EDF)Jean-MichelDEVEZA (EDF)BorisRAVIGNON (Région Grand Est)JulienVILLERET (EDF Groupe)
15:55 - 16:00
Conclusion of the day
EtienneLEROI (N. Schlumberger)
16:00 - 16:30
Agility, fulfillment and acceleration : conference Edgar Grospiron